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In this section, we’ve listed information about other organisations who can help you find the skills you need.

Plus, if you’re looking for a conference, events and training venue in Manchester city centre, Chamber Space has a wide range of rooms to facilitate your training needs. Visit our Chamber Space website to find out more.

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Flexible training opportunities to suit your budget and delivery preference across a wide range of sectors and course types.


Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network is a membership organisation for FE colleges, independent training providers, community voluntary organisations, universities and other stakeholders. GMLPN delivers a range of projects alongside its members to help secure an outstanding education, skills and employment system for Greater Manchester.

The apprenticeship levy is paid by large employers with a pay bill of over £3 million. Currently, only 2% of employers pay the levy, which is set at a rate of 0.5% of their total annual pay bill. Every employer who pays the levy has a digital account where they can access their levy funds to spend on apprenticeship training.

A new body established to bring together central and local government, businesses, training providers and unions to meet the skills needs of the next decade across all regions, providing strategic oversight of the post-16 skills system aligned to the government’s Industrial Strategy. Skills England will also hold responsibility for maintaining a list of levy-eligible training to ensure value for money, and that the mix of government-funded training available to learners and employers aligns with the identified skills needs.  


*Information on this page is subject to change. At the time of publication in September 2024, the Labour Government has launched Skills England, a new post-16 skills strategy, which will result in numerous changes to the skills system. Follow the hyperlinks for each organisation for the latest information.


The aim of the Construction Industry Training Board is to support the construction industry in building a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce through courses, qualifications and apprenticeships, grants and funding schemes and approved training and standards.

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ersonalised careers advice, information and guidance for all stages of your career.

Large employers that pay the apprenticeship levy can choose to transfer up to 50% of their levy funds each year to other businesses, to pay for their apprenticeship training and assessment. Transferring levy funds is a way of supporting other businesses by deciding which sectors, skills or local areas you’d like to fund. 


The Co-op currently runs an Apprenticeship Levy Transfer Scheme where large businesses with unspent levy funds can transfer some of their funds to other businesses. The Co-op scheme is a national programme and unspent funds can currently be transferred to any business. Find out more here:   


Run by The Growth Company, the GM Levy Matchmaking Service is also available for businesses in Greater Manchester. Click here to register for more information:  

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The Electrical Contractors’ Association works with and on behalf of businesses in the electrotechnical and engineering services industry. ECA’s education and skills offering, which includes training courses, apprenticeships and health and safety assessments, works to meet the needs of its members to provide the best environment for their workforce to thrive.

Information for employers about how to employ an apprentice, how the funding works and incentive payments. 

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​IfATE works with employers to shape skills training in England. Helping to create and maintain over 600 occupational standards, employers can shape apprenticeships, T Levels and higher technical qualifications, keeping them up-to-date and valuable for learners. The work of IfATE will be taken on by a new body called Skills England, as announced in the King’s Speech in July 2024. At the time of publication of this website, the exact timescales for this transition are unknown.  


If you are a training provider looking to promote your course, contact our team via the form to the side to add your services to the Hub.

0161 393 4321

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